Within this little corner of Cyberspace you can find out about me and the team of experienced professionals with whom I work to meet your medical communications needs. Read on, explore, enjoy!

Strategic Communications Planning

Strategic Communications
A strong communications plan will be based on an assessment of your product (drug or device) in the context of existing treatments and market needs…

Writing and Editing Services

Writing and Editing Services
No-one can be an expert in everything, although many people claim to be. I  can offer a full range of medical writing services because I collaborate with an extended team of wonderful people…

Meetings and Events Management

Meetings and Events Management
If a meeting is the best solution, we work with you on the content to make sure it meets your objectives while being stimulating, informative…


Back Story and Other Stuff

Back Story and Other Stuff
Healthcom Partners is a collection of many talented people, all of whom are experts in their own fields…

Contact us
We’d love to hear from you, here’s how …….

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